How to issue a refund?

How to issue a refund?

All Refunds on Cosmofeed are instantly refunded to your customer. This helps build trust with your customers and helps you provide a much better user experience for them. Note: Instant Refunds incur some minimal charges. You can know more about them here.

In this article, we will look at how to view and manage all your refunds.

Viewing your Refunds:

  1. To view all the refunds you have initiated, go to the 'Transactions' page on the Cosmofeed WebApp.

  2. Switch to the 'Refunds' tab. On this tab, you can view all the partial and full refunds you have initiated so far.

  3. Now click on refunds tab to view all the details of the transactions.

  4. You can further click on a particular refund to view more details about it's status and breakup.

  5. Click on initiate refunds button.
    Click on Initiate refunds

  6. Now, enter the amount to be refunded and all the details about that refund like amount, platform fees, refund charges, etc will be mentioned the view breakup tab.

  7. Once the amount is filled, click on initiate refund to refund that amount.

Understanding Refund States:

Once a refund is initiated, you might come across various states for its processing. Let us take you through each of those states and explain what they mean:

  1. Refund Processing: As soon as a refund is initiated, the process to deposit the refund in your customer's account starts. This state is shown as Refund Processing on Cosmofeed. All Refunds on Cosmofeed are instantly refunded to your customer. However, sometimes, a refund might stay in the 'Processing' state due to the payment gateway's network traffic or account-related issues.

    You can know more about instant refunds here. Refunded: When the refund is successfully processed to your customer's account, it is denoted by a 'Refunded' state. You can cross-check with your customer again, if needed, to confirm the refund.

  2. Refund Failed: There are chances for your refund to fail. This could be because the transaction might be older than 6 months. Most banks don't allow refunds on transactions that are older than 6 months. Another reason the refund might have failed could be due to your customer's account.

How-to Guides:

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